Perfect Gifts

Merry Christmas, all!  Many thanks to the readers who checked in on my status after the Christmas Eve trip to the doctor.

As you can see below, I received a perfect gift, which I shall cart off to the television studio when I return to work on Friday.  Everybody at home and those closest at the day job know this already; so I’ll happily advertise it to the co-workers who don’t.


Merle and Ava were happy and satisfied with their cash-in (that term applies far more to Ava, of course) – none of which had to do with kung fu.  They’re happy to leave the obsession to me and Aaron.

His favorite today was a gift certificate to the martial art shop.  He poured over the details of it, saying:


“So you know where we’re going tomorrow, right Mom?”

“Of course, dear.”

“And you know they’re going to be more weapons in the house.”

“Yes, I figured the first thing you’ll buy is your own staff; then, probably new equipment for Sancho, if you need it.”

“No.  Staff and a ninja star.”

“A ninja star?  What’re you going to do with a ninja star?”

“Just have one.”

“Aren’t they illegal?”

“No, Mom,” he answered, laughing.

“They have to be illegal outside the house.”

“Hmm.  Maybe.”

I don’t know about a ninja star….

But he’ll be happy with whatever I buy him there, as he always is.  I’m a lot happier when I can talk the proprietor down to a decent discount…but I’ll worry about that tomorrow, and only for a moment, because self-training resumes tomorrow night! 🙂

About T. D. Davis

7 responses to “Perfect Gifts

  • cho wan yau

    Bet your hero is Bruce Lee, from my part of the world you know. How did you get into Kung Fu in the first place? Too many bad arses to kick? Television studio? Anchorwoman? TV producer some glamorous job?

    • T. D. Davis

      TV Producer and field reporter – mostly on books and authors these days, but first 15 years covering U.S. federal govt. and national elections.
      And I have never even seen a Bruce Lee movie! I’m a much bigger fan of his trainer Yip Man. I’ve thought a bit about including some Wing Chun in my training, but I’d need another school for that.
      I got into it simply because my son asked for a Northern Shaolin kung fu school when we moved, and our whole family had already been doing tae kwon do together. Who knew I’d get hooked?

      • cho wan yau

        Wow! First the bad news you are a philistine, you have never watched a Bruce Lee film, he is our most famous son.

        Now the good news covering federal govt and elections wow wow wow.

        I bet your son has given up but you are still doing tae kwon do. I wouldn’t like to come across you in a dark alley! ha ha

        You go girl! Wish I was a black belt I could sure kick some arse

  • amediablogger

    Merry Christmas and I love the mug xxx

  • Luna Rose Theatre Co

    It must be still Christmas Day for you? Is it? Enjoy the rest of the day!

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